Game froze after starting demo, but players still existed


New member
I wish i actually got a video clip of it, but I shut the game down before I thought of clipping. Here's a description of the events:
- I opened the developer console mid game
- I wrote " record "mcginnes" "
- Then I closed the console
- Then, all player icons on the minimap and models in game were completely paused, and I was unable to move
- But all abilities and vfx still played as normal, with an empty kelvin ult spawning
- I was eventually killed, but the playermodel was still stuck, and another overlapping one played the death animation.
- I didn't wait out the respawn, and shut down the game before restarting.

Then everything was back to normal, with the exception of a tutorial hint popup with an incorrect punch input showing up a little after restarting.

The demo file doesn't exist, cant playdemo it or find it in the game files.

Thank you for working on the funny videogame !!!