Game freezing at least opportune times


Active member
I dont have footage of it happening, but I should mention this has been a recurrent problem both in Deadlock AND Dota. I thought it mightve been my internet, and thing is my internet is quite terrible but it doesnt happen in any other game, just valve ones. By "least opportune times" I mean literally when Im going into a fight, right before I can use any of my abilities the game will sometimes just.... make it look like I cast them for a bit, it'll freeze for a bit, then revert back to a previous state from BEFORE I cast the abilities, freeze a bit more, then slowly unfreeze while my game catches up to real time. I should also mention the game still reads my inputs while im in this state, as Ive effectively dash spammed out of certain death while my game is frozen multiple times.
Sorry if this a well knowns thing and Im just out of the loop
Can confirm, had this yesterday too in the game, not in dota though... game randomly freezes for 1-2 second.