Game crashes my system into an unrecoverable state


New member

during my last three matches, the game has crashed my system in a way that the only way to recover is a cold restart.
Basically my monitor turns off as if the GPU has died, I could still hear and talk to friends in Discord. This happens at a completely random time during the game. I have tried Win ctrl +shift + b when it crashes but that doesn't help.

Match ID: 610326
OS: win10
CPU: amd 5800x3d
GPU: rtx 3070

If you need any more info I'm "Paracon" on Discord, thank you very much
I know this is gonna make me sound like I underestimate your intelligence but are your drivers up-to-date and is there anything in the Windows Event Log? I had something similar happening in a different game years ago and it was resolved with a driver update.
Yeah I recently updated my drivers and it's still happening. In Event Viewer there are a bunch of entries with "ESENT" as its source during the time of the crashes. However it didn't leave any dumps
The crash you describe doesn't seem too unique, I've even seen you in another thread when someone reported a similar thing. If they also have ESENTs in the Event Viewer after crashing, that might be a good first step towards finding the pattern behind the crash. I checked if there is any way to have the game dumping everything printed to the console (surely there'll be something there?), but some of the log commands are locked down :(