Game crashed during loading screen - Rejoin resulted in stuck player


New member
I was loading into the game when i suddenly saw what looked like a visual bug --> green squares (never happened before).
After seeing this I tabed out so see if i can minimize the game "is it still responding?" (which worked) but it wouldn't let me tab back in.
So i restartet the game and clicken on rejoin --> After i rejoined the match my char was still in the starting area (where both teams stand opposite of each other normally) although the game had alrdy started.

1. I tried Unstick as well as Suicide --> Nothing happened
2. I Jumped of the Platform. After a short moment i somehow found myself in the teleporter in the left lane - but it was closed and i couldn't get out.
3. I tried Unstick and Suicide again --> Nothing happened
4. I closed the game and hoped i could reconnect again to solve the problem. --> I couldn't and i was now presented with a leaver penalty -.-

I actually would've even spent more time trying to solve this issue and get back into the game if it would've let me rejoin the game but alas i was punished for a bug which was out of my control :(

PS: I understand that this is early access and that these things can happen just wanted to share the encounter and possible problems with leaver penalties (which was "only" 15mins for me) for people who didn't voluntarily leave games but rather got flaged because of crashes/bugs.
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