Game Crash: Verification Bug // No longer can download Game


New member
I'm sorry I didn't capture the bug when the crash happened. I assumed it wasn't going to be relavent.

Non-rep steps:
1. Queued for a match at 8pm ET
2. Got into a match with Lash
3. Started to move down lane
4. Popup occurs referencing something about the game not being able to verify some file
5. I verify the game
6. Now when I launch the game it is stuck "downloading". but doesn't download
7. I uninstall Deadlock
8. I attempt to reinstall it, but it only sits in queue
9. Other games are able to properly download on steam

I did try to change regions
Other games download fine
Update: Perhaps its a steam issue

Boston and New York servers are unable to download the game
Canada - Vancover can

Perhaps this is just a CDN issue with steam atm