Game completely locked up outside of moving on client side

While playing Yamato, I used her tether on Seven, but was stunned by his explosive during it. This led to me being unable to attack, jump, dodge, or use abilities until I died. Afterwards, I was still unable to do anything visually, but my friend confirmed I was actually attacking and using abilities, just not on my side. However my inability to jump or dash persisted, leaving me in a state of limbo. I'm not 100% positive that specific interaction caused it, but it definitely happened during my fight with Seven. The main thing that leads me to believe it was the tether is that on my screen it had the tooltip to "Abort" with space. I did also parry a melee punch during the fight after the tether, but I don't know for sure if I was able to jump before that since it happened right after I woke up from stun.