Game breaking bug. Falling off the map.


New member
Hello everyone. I would like to share with you a game breaking bug, which consists in the fact that if in the lobby when the timer is counting down, we completely leave the GAME but not the MATCH, then after rejoining, when everyone is on the ropes, we still stand in the lobby and can jump out of it down off the map. This randomly throws us somewhere into the wall textures. Attached is a demo of this match where you can see it at the very beginning and a screenshot.

3:52 CET
match ID: 12197282

demo link:

This randomly throws us somewhere into the wall textures. Attached is a demo of this match where you can see it at the very beginning and a screenshot
this happens due to a fail-safe in the street map. falling off the map or wandering "out of bounds" will send you into the nearest teleporter on the map, usually it will be the ones from either side of the map that are normally closed off during early-game, aka from park/purple to york/yellow.

there used to be a button you could press to die like if it was "kill" command, and same for "un-stick" but they were both removed from the game

honestly would rather falling out of the map just kill you, like what happens when trying to fly way up to the skybox, but atm if you happen to go OOB you just get perma trapped into those teleporters until they open

also yea when you "DC" from the match, it turns your character into a bot that slowly walks towards your base; it ignores practically everything else including being teleported which i guess the bug here is the bot doesnt teleport out of the lobby