Gambling man/Gambler

Just a memer

New member
Hero based on random mechanics (like Casino Knight)
Each skill represents his life before death and what he was doing or what was done to him/her
Left click atack can be Throwing cards Gambit style.
Right click burst atack of 4 or 5 cards

1. Malfunctioning loaded Dice - Throws a dice that bounces between enemies/creeps/neutrals. Min bounces 4, max 6.
*In early days of his career to not get caught our hero used a special Dice that worked, but sometimes not in his favor*

2. Show a trick/Slight of hand - Perform a magick trick to a selected enemy leaving them speachless(silences target). Leveling further maybe makes it AOE.
*After mastering the sleight of hand art nothing could stop our hero and no one would suspect that he is cheating, leaving casino guests and owners without money. One individual got really interested in Heros skills so that they became close friends and spend a lot of time together*

3. Russian roulette - takes a revolver and spins rounds. Each round has different negative effect. (stun, slow, DD, leash, armor reduction, health regen reduction) or smth like that. Leveling further grants bounces between enemies.
*Gambling became the only thing in heroes life. Feeling a rush when you put everything on the line was everything to him, but as time went by Hero started to lose that feeling. The only thing he didn't put on the line was his own life. And to feel that rush and adrenaline his new morning routine was to take a revolver and gamble with death*

4 The game was rigged from the start
Maybe puts selected enemy hero in cement and drops into water, but there is no water.
*One day he got an invite to a private game with some serious people and lots of cash. He accepted and won, but they didn't let him walk. They explained that it was part of the plan just like a person he met and got close with. They !!!Did something to him that is suposed to be related to his ultimate but I can't really think of anythig at this point. So any suggestions are welome!!! *
There was a mechanic for rogue in world of Warcraft where they did a certain amount of attacks then can roll for a chance of a list of equally powerful buffs to burst around. Always had fun with that.
There was a mechanic for rogue in world of Warcraft where they did a certain amount of attacks then can roll for a chance of a list of equally powerful buffs to burst around. Always had fun with that.
Yeah I kinda like when a game has that one character that is unpredictable. Brings out all sorts of emotions