Friend didn't receive invite after two weeks of waiting. It says "invite pending" in game

Similar issue where myself and 1 other mutual has sent an invite a friend and waited for weeks to 3 days between both of our invites. Neither has arrived in email nor steam account.


Sgt. Flintlock
Yep spam folder i had it in like a month or 2 ago. It also felt like a dodgy link, and no details on store page and as a kinda random steam friend sent it, i didnt actually click it until i knew the guy a little better
Problem with Gmail Spam fodler is that an email in the spam folder will automatically get deleted after 30 days. So if you do not go look for it within that 30 days I suspect it got deleted and now their account is in limbo and cannot be invited, because they already have an invite that they deleted.
If this problem occur, try to unfriend then add back, then re-invite your friend, I also have this problem with one friend who ignore the invitation for weeks, the notification gone in his part, while in mine the invite still pending, I just unfriend and add back and re-invite back, work like a magic, he got the invitation again in half hour