Frequent game freezing and further janky/laggy behavior noticed when playing Abrams


New member
I've recently added Abrams to my roster since I have not really played him so I wanted to understand his playstyle.
While I've had mixed results with the build I tried so far, I noticed that I often have a game-breaking freeze when playing as him. This results in me needing to exit the game and reconnect. I initially got a small freeze before the game breaking one which led to my death. I got one after I restarted, which led to my death again. Quite annoying.

Match ID: 17157274

I have been using Vulkan when this happened. I did switch to Dx 11 mid-game and it felt more janky but there were no more crashes. I have experienced this in previous games with Abrams, but I can't remember the exact one. I normally have rocksteady connection so I am unsure if it was my internet. I also wouldn't expect to hear sounds and the game running while the graphical side of things is stuck, which makes me think it's a Deadlock issue, not an internet one. I was also able to see a message from a teammate the first match it happened while the game was frozen. They gave me the idea to quit/restart instead of leaving the match.

On a side note, maybe a reconnect button would help? Something that takes you to the menu and back?