Free, the Pet Collective


New member
Free is a grouping of animals that have gained heightened intelligence by joining together as a united hive mind with powerful psychic abilities. They move together as a tightly packed mob while a smaller pet above the rest acts as the "head" for headshot damage. All in the collective are equal but some are more equal than others... for gameplay purposes. Free is an illusive ganker that forces enemy teams to scatter before picking them off.

Lore- Before it was whole, the collective was scattered voices- street dogs roaming alleyways, cats scrounging for scraps, and even a few more exotic animals that found themselves on the streets of New York. Then animal control came and locked them all into one place. It was cold, dark, and a blessing in disguise as the voices of the pet collective began to harmonize together to create something new and united. The maelstrom had given the animals of New York latent psychic abilities so weak that you would never be able to tell by looking at an individual, but together they were strong and they were one. The were truly Free.

Weapon- Free fires psychic blasts generated by their "head" body. Large bullets with a medium travel speed, very middle of the road. Their secondary fire is a melee range psychic slash meant for their isolated targets

1-Prowl- Free
gains stealth and a lower profile, each body of the collective going low and hiding the "head" from sight. Reactivating prowl puts Free into a pounce stance where they can leap onto unsuspecting enemies creating a damaging and slowing shockwave on landing. Higher ranks may also reduce stamina or dodge distance.

2-Rat King Ward- the rats of NY make up a sizeable part of Free's body. Free can leave behind hidden Rat Wards that will alert them to enemy movement- if the ward is triggered Free can chose to set off a stun that effects enemies in range. The stun is fairly lengthy and deals damage as the rats bite but can be shortened by having friendly units shooting the rats crawling around the hero being stunned. The stun also loses power if it hits multiple enemy heroes. The ward has a long arming time, but combined with the slow from Prowl's pounce and you might be able to hit an enemy. At max level Free might even be able to teleport to triggered wards.

3-Hivemind Howl- Free howls, creating a damaging field around them that builds up bleed and tons of damage the longer it's active. Free can still fire their weapon during Howl. Hitting enemies regenerates ammo so Free can keep using their short range secondary fire. At max level, the howl propagates to enemy heroes in a weaker form so enemies can bring the howl back to their team and force them to spread out.

4-Astral Form- Free takes on their true united form, a massive red ethereal beast that hovers above the battlefield. While in the air, Free is invulnerable and can rain down giant paw prints on the battlefield. The psychic stomps deal more damage to solo enemies but the damage is spread out for multiple hero targets, so aim well or force the enemy team to spread out with Howl. If the enemy team is able to group up to spread out the damage, they'll be easy targets for friendly AOE abilities.
neat concept for a gestal entity, but I feel it suffers a bit from "league of legends 200 year design" syndrome, which is to say overly complicated in some aspects for seemingly no good reason.
The 1 seems to do way too much when compared to haze's invis, I would suggest it either works as a defensive spell OR a pounce, having both on the same key feels convoluted (and I feel like the invis isnt needed)
For 2, I think having it always stun would just work better than having the player suddenly have to press the key again, maybe have it show on the map when someone triggers it. And since theyre supposed to pick off single targets, I feel like you could also just make it target one person. The shooting rats off to cancel early tho is a cool idea.
As for 3, having an ability that bleeds, dmgs and allows you can shoot as normal just sounds way too potent. My suggestion would be an opposite version of Arc warden's Q from dota, where the closer to allies the enemy is, the more slowed/dmg they take from the debuff applied by the howl + the longer the duration (in that case itd make more sense to make it a projectile instead of a multiple target hitting aoe)
And the 4 sounds great! I actually made a kit also based on a hero made up of multiple creatures, and their ult is pretty similar to this, characters turning massive in their ults is just a really cool/interesting concept
For the third skill, I could see a cloud of pigeons instead of a prolonged howl (although a howl audio indicator would be good). Makes the AOE more visible instead of another floor radius marker