Frank, the Street Dog Emperor




01 - Condimentation
Frank covers friendly heroes in ketchup/mustard/relish. While a hero is covered in condiment, they gain a portion of Frank's weapon damage temporarily.

02 - Boiling point
Frank blasts hot dog water in a cone in front of him. Hot dog water deals DoT to enemy units. Frank gains a temporary speed boost upon activation.

03 - Soda Stream
Frank blasts soda in a cone in front of him. Enemy units caught in the cone are pushed backwards. Frank is pushed backwards regardless of enemies hit.

04 - Get some
(Channeled) Frank shares a piping hot NYC hotdogs with a friendly heroes in his radius, healing them. Heroes covered in condiment are healed for more.


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do seperate condiments have different effects, or are they just visual? :o
i love the concept and these abilities though!! :)
I think the separate condiments are just aesthetic (perhaps different characters prefer different condiments?) the same buff is applied either way, with no way to decide on the condiments used (Frank knows best).