Frame Drops and Freezing for several weeks


New member
Similar to another thread, there seems to be an issue that is temporarily resolved by alt tabbing while in game. If I alt tab once in match I get frame dips so low my game freezes and it persists until I alt tab again and go back to the game. Shortly after, the game will go back to doing it, resulting in me having to alt tab to 'fix' the frame drops every 45 seconds or so. I wish there was a fix, I tried messing around with video settings, getting help from friends that are tech savvy, but cannot completely fix these frame drops from occurring. This is the only game it happens and really stifles my enjoyment of the game when I get frame drops at either bad timing or even just trying to leave spawn. I can run other games on full ultra/epic settings with 60 fps minimum, so I don't think it is a specs issue. My NVidia drivers are also updated. If this is truly a bug, can we get an ETA on the fix?