Force staff equivalent from Dota replicated on Deadlock


New member
Currently we have the item Rescue Beam which pulls an allied hero towards you. The down side I see with this item is that, in a lot of scenarios, you create a situation where now you have 2 heroes together that could be easily reached by the enemy, turning a single kill into a double kill.

With this in mind I wanted to propose the addition of a modified force staff from Dota. For the non Dota players, force staff is a support/utility item that pushes ANY target (self/friend/foe) into the direction they are currently facing, which allows players to distance themselves from inmediate danger (like infernus ulti aoe) and create a gap that serves as an escape or as a reposition tool to turn around and keep fighting.

The basic idea for the item in Deadlock would be this:

Green item, giving X amount of shields / or any type of resist + X stamina. Can be casted on self or an ally. When casted on self, pushes you in the direction you are facing for X units, and recover X amount of stamina at the end. If casted on an ally, you transfer X amount of your own stamina to your ally and pushes them in the direction they are facing.

With this, you have a utility item that can serve as both defensive or offensive item depending of the situation, but it requires coordination so it isn't inherently broken or a "must buy" on support/utility heroes, since you can mistakenly push people into more danger if you don't communicate properly. Also, it doesn't create the situation of Rescue Beam which puts 2 heroes together, now you can save someone into 1 direction while you run to the other, with the downside of sacrificing your own stamina, so proper positioning on the behalf of the user is also required and not a simple get out of jail free card.
I find dashing to already be a pseudo force staff which actually works well in the game. I would love to see a mechanic that lets you push your enemies and allies in the direction they are facing, but I think it would work much better as a hero ability with a kit to support it, instead of an item.