Fleetfoot Upgrade

Fleetfoot's passive is a highly valuable one. Movement speed is even more important than soft cc such as slows for both escaping and chasing due to slow efficacy reduction, debuff reducer, and various kit options such as Lash leap, Yamato grapple, Viscous punches, and so on.

Despite the importance of movement speed, Fleetfoot becomes one of the easiest items to sell (if you even bought it to begin with) as you transition into the mid or late game. The reason is that while movement speed is important, T3 items have such high value damage increases that they easily become more worthwhile than what is essentially an item that's bought solely for its passive.

By Fleetfoot becoming an undervalued item, it contributes to a reduction in build variety for characters focusing on weapon damage (and others which I will get to) as they purchase universal staples such as Burst Fire and Escalating Resilience with character specific items such as Tesla Bullets, Sharpshooter, and Intensifying Magazine. It also contributes to characters focusing on weapon damage to dip into spirit items when their chase or escape needs to be improved, such as Knockdown, Slowing Hex, and Cold Front.

I do not think this is a major issue. I only think that by improving items like this, it gives players more options in how they approach item builds and playstyles. To me, that's important, so it's something I like to see improvements on.

For this specific "issue", I think a good solution without providing too much of an obnoxious late game would be creating a T3 item that Fleetfoot can build into. It should be an item that has enough stats that the opportunity cost on losing out on another high damage item to improve chase becomes a real question rather than it being clear which one is more valuable.

Due to the nature of chase characters, I think improving the ability to outpace opponets while having the burst to take them down with the opportunities you can find while chasing would help highlight this particular playstyle. I believe the item should look something like this:
Some Name
120 Bonus Health
10% Fire Rate
30% Slide Distance
10% Stamina Recovery

Duration: 4s
Active: 15s
Grants 3m/s movement speed, 30% temporary ammo, and 10% fire rate.
I believe that the 20% fire rate would help it synergize with Burst Fire to compliment characters such as Wraith, Haze, and Vindicta who have flat damage buffs to their weapon damage while remaining a lower dps increase than other T3 items such as Sharpshooter, Pristine Emblem, Tesla Bullets, and Headhunter. It also compliments Escalating Reslience for when survivability is a higher priority. The item prioritizes utility over raw damage while still having enough damage to remain a valid option over other T3 items. If a player were to invest the souls, the lower cooldown would make the duration 5s with Superior Duration and the cooldown 11.4s with Superior Cooldown for a roughly 50% uptime.

Lastly, I wanted to return to this item being a boon for characters other than those focusing on weapon damage. While characters with weapon damage will end up replacing this item with a T4 very late into the game, spirit builds will be looking for cheaper items to compliment their expensive spirit items. This would become a good filler option for characters such as Lady Geist, Pocket, and Warden to compliment their chasedown.

I do believe that this item would push characters like Grey Talon and Warden further over the edge in strength, but this is a reflection of the inherent value of their kit rather than this item being too strong. Tweaking their inherent movement options to make this item compliment them rather than pushing them over the edge would be the least abrasive option.