Fleetfoot Ammo Oddity


New member
The ammo effect of Fleetfoot is listed as 'temporary bonus ammo', but the actual effect has some confusing properties to it that I believe are unintentional. For example on Paradox with nothing except Fleetfoot equipped, one use will lead to an ammo count of 65/65 for the item's duration before being set to 65/50 if no bullets are shot when the temporary effect concludes. When shooting one 5-round burst as Paradox in the 65/50 ammo state, the end result after the burst is 46/50. This is extremely unintuitive and seems very unintentional. It seems that the game takes one bullet to 'catch up' on the expected ammo total since the Fleetfoot temporary bonus ammo time has expired before using the remaining 4 bullets as expected (65/50 -> 50/50 -> 46/50).
My belief is that the intent of the item is to display the correct current bullet count at the effect conclusion (50/50 if no bullets are shot instead of 65/50) and then not having the lingering extra ammo take up 1 shot to 'catch up' (one burst after effect ends leads to 45/50 instead of 46/50), although I can see the issue of forcing a reload in the case of a player having less ammo in their mag than was added for Fleetfoot. This effect is not only for Paradox, but I think that the 5 round burst leading to a weird end ammo count best shows how unpredictable the effect is.
In my opinion, the "Temporary Ammo" stat is redundant. The Vampiric Burst item handles this concept much better, with the extra ammo appearing in yellow rather than increasing the magazine size.
Also, this approach is superior because reloading with the "yellow ammo" when over the mag size doesn't reload the gun, this prevents players from loosing ammo, which is an issue that occurs with Fleetfoot after the effect ends.
I believe Fleetfoot (and all other items that utilize Temporary Ammo) should adopt the same method used by Vampiric Burst.