[FIXED] Enemies able to use Active Relics during Haze's sleep


With the 12/6 patch, enemies can use active relics while asleep, even with the relic showing a 3 second "sleep" cooldown similar to normal abilities. All active relics can do this, with Echo Shard being the only exception. Return Fire can be used like the others, but doesn't show the 3 second cooldown.

Thank you!
I think this is the new intended sleep mechanic. Isn't it working like the patch notes sayw?

When the dagger lands, you can see that Ethereal Shift goes on a 3 Second Cooldown, as both abilities and active relics are disabled when slept and its visually shown that Active Relics are also intended to go on CD.


Thank you for the bump!
I would say this is not bug but feature lol, if haze can pop actives while using her ult why others can't use it against her skill to 🥹
Haze being able to use actives while ulting was actually listed in the patch notes as a change. This "feature" wasn't, which makes it a bug.
Exactly. They seem to have a problem with the balancing. Dagger not canceling channeling abilities is already not fitting the "slept character" characteristics, but I can understand that, it would be too broken if it did that. Slow running while "slept" is a bit silly (not to use stronger words) and being able to use items is just a travesty and a bug 100%. At this point, the ability does not make much sense tbh.
Bumping this again, it's still an issue and allows relics to completely negate double-dagger builds, and is generally frustrating even if you don't run that type of build. I've hexed someone, daggered them, and they proceed to pop Return Fire while asleep to reflect my headshots during wake-up time (a window where I should be getting free damage). Very frustrating!
I was just about to post because I accidentally self-casted Divine Barrier after getting slept by a Haze one match.
We went into testing after, and all active items work, including debuff remover. lol

Aloso, cooldowns will display on the items when slept, but they can still be used.