Fix this bug so people dont get 30 min bans for no reason.


New member
So I just got a 30 min ban because of what I assume to be a bug. So I've seen it where people disconnect when everyone is lined up, but there's still a gray circle up at the top where it shows all the character's pictures. And sometimes it has a reconnect symbol over the gray circle. Anyways, this time it was 6v5, with no empty gray circle at the top, no reconnect symbol, nothing. It was like it was a 6v5 with nobody else allowed to join. I waited 10 minutes and it wasn't starting the game or anything. My friend happened to hop on, so I assumed it was safe to leave, cause the game didn't start. Then I see that I got a 30 minute ban. I'm not mad or anything, I just wanted to see if anyone else experienced that or if anybody is aware of it. Cause like I said before, usually if someone leaves during that time, it just finds someone else to join the game, but it was legitimately stuck....cause I've yet to see a queue take anywhere near 10 minutes to fill up.
Those 5v6 matches end automatically and you have to wait for it to kick you back to the main menu, I think it takes a few minutes but it's never been anything like 10. It was happening when someone exited the party after the party leader queued, among other causes I'm sure