In the recent patch notes it said that you guys fixed the haze ult bugging out. However, you fixed it for people with 24 or 27 inch monitors, and mega fucked it for anyone with a 37.5 inch monitor. Literally any time anyone that uses an ability on me in my ult the game automatically zaps out to a crazy FOV until I can't aim whatsoever. It's hella annoying and my last game where I would've wiped all 6 on my patron 1v6 was the last straw. 5 people at low hp off my ult and ggs. For the love of god please fix this Yoshi - even if I am a super niche player for this bug at this point. Thank you.
For assistance - this never happened to me before you fixed it and everyone on 24/27 inch was having the problem. Now it's the inverse for me.
For assistance - this never happened to me before you fixed it and everyone on 24/27 inch was having the problem. Now it's the inverse for me.