

His looks are gonna be of old man with rice straw hat, In shabby clothing with a spear.

Shooting low damage high firerate water pellets and on his second fire mode(like shiv, instead of zoom) a burst or them.


1. Spear throw - can be launched to any wall to pull yourself or into enemy to slow him(via upgrades its going to root or leash people to area)

2. Defensive stance - either a counter ability(requires you to get him in order to activate effect) or overall buff of resistances with incoming and outgoing damage halved

3. Flow like water - Character entering liquid state and flowing into pointed direction via hitting everyone in path for his bullet damage + base of ability(scaling with spirit.), hasted only in direction of visible enemies.

4. Treacherous waters - Character targeting another character or area to create a field of effect, Which draining caught up in it from health(little bit) and resistances. Fisherman cant cancel or go out of it, enemies can pass through walls of area for an instant damage and weakening effect (Resistances or damage debuff.). Death of caster or one of the caught up characters removes the field but not effects already set targets.

So general idea is a not too strong of initiator with a bit of dueling potential that can either build full tank or full damage and be played however player desire. Mobility comes as trade off from losing a cc ability, first ability shouldnt have charges. And third is used to just give chase or clear waves. Ult Might be too strong but its can be left with only weakening effect without hp drain.