First you tell me Grey Talon is not a Native American grandma on a quest for revenge, now i hear Yamato might lose her identity as well?


New member
I'm really enjoying the flavor the game's got going so far.

Also my dreams of a Flying Chancla cosmetic replacing Spirit Owl will never die!
They are basically the two ugliest characters in the game by a longshot not counting Viscous since that's his whole point.
They are basically the two ugliest characters in the game by a longshot not counting Viscous since that's his whole point.
Ugly. One's an elderly person so it'd be weird to find Gray Talon attractive in such a way, and Yamato has a nice alien charm to her.
Would i call them beautiful? No, they're not attractive in that way, but are they ugly? No, not every character has to be a super model.
Whatever happened to enjoying more real or goofy designs? Why are people complaining about such designs now when we have had them for years now, Dota 2 being a fine example.
Ugly. One's an elderly person so it'd be weird to find Gray Talon attractive in such a way, and Yamato has a nice alien charm to her.
Would i call them beautiful? No, they're not attractive in that way, but are they ugly? No, not every character has to be a super model.
Whatever happened to enjoying more real or goofy designs? Why are people complaining about such designs now when we have had them for years now, Dota 2 being a fine example.
Concord became a thing and apparently made sure every gamer thinks that ugly game models are a reason for the game to be bad. (All jokes aside)

I don't think any of the characters are ugly, they fit in really well with the art theme. I would understand if people complained about Yamato have a higher headshot hitbox. hehe But other than that they will most likely add a bunch of cosmetics to the game when it get's released which could help out with peoples own desire for the characters.
They are basically the two ugliest characters in the game by a longshot not counting Viscous since that's his whole point.
I love every design in the game and the art direction as a whole.

In my opinion the designs need polishing instead of reworking, but I'm just a consumer not an expert.

Like another poster mentioned, details like Yamato's head being long and pointy in order to maximize aerodynamics while pirouetting with her W hookshoot and longsword, those are the kinds of next level details that make up a masterpiece, in my humble opinion.
I think you are missing the point of what alot of people mean by attractive or not... they don't have to be sexually attractive; they just mean remotely nice to look at. Legit all models will be updated to some capacity or just completely reworked because this is an alpha game, it's just what the plan is clearly. There are some even bigger outliers however, being those two characters that look like place-holders, since they are, and that's why Yamato is first on the list by them.
As a Yamato main, I don't want Yamato to be attractive, I want her to be interesting.

Attractiveness does not matter. This is not a fan service game for horny animals.

I also hope Valve keeps doing their own thing instead of wasting dev time trying to appeal to under developed brains.
As a Yamato main, I don't want Yamato to be attractive, I want her to be interesting.

Attractiveness does not matter. This is not a fan service game for horny animals.

I also hope Valve keeps doing their own thing instead of wasting dev time trying to appeal to under developed brains.
Bro you are missing the point again did you not read what I posted. Attractiveness does not mean you are horny for the character, calling them ugly just means they are ugly and weird to look at, you seriously want a placeholder of 2 textures like Viscous has or the dumpster fire that Yamato or Grey Talon are?

People don't even know if Grey Talon is a male or female grandma until they hear his voice, they give him the name grandma/grandpa cause it's just so funny and ridiculous to look at for a character, but they don't care simply cause we all know it's an alpha game that will change.

They are already going to change these models, it's a guarantee, it's just funny that people would try and speak against it, they can only look better now, not worse. Go and look at Yamato's concept art for her new model and try and convince anybody but a couple die-hard Yamato one-trick simps, that the newer model isn't blatantly 100% better. You are just lying to yourself if you think otherwise that the current is good.
Did you mean grandpa?
At first glance I legit through I was looking at a grandma, then read the bio and went "ah, another renegade out for familial revenge. At least he's not an ex cop."

But I haven't been able to stop thinking up head canon ever since. What if Grey Talon got sick and his mother, who trained him, had to take over for a bit. She might have interactions with Geist, Bebop and his creator, maybe directly talk to the Patrons since she's been around the field before.

She keeps her body at peak performance despite her old looks thanks to ancestral recipes enhanced by contemporary magitech developments.

Imagine being relentlessly hunt down by a bloodthirsty grandma yelling "YOU WILL DROWN IN THE BLOOD OF YOU ALLIES" as a magic Spirit Chancla zooms in to seal your doom.

I'm 95% joking but that 5%, we have a chance at something special here.

edit: you think Talon is mad about the attack on his bloodline? imagine how grandma feels.
I am more than sure that Talon style is a relic of "neon prime" and in the future his style will change very much to be more suitable for "deadlock"