Fight or Flight


Fight or Flight: An Orange Item designed to combat enemies with burst damage.. Suggested price: 500
  • Gain a 5% Stacking Weapon damage every time you dash. (Lasts 6 seconds.)
  • If you ever take more than half your max health as one instance of damage, you instantly refresh your stamina.

This is a defensive and offensive Item meant to help against heroes that can do very powerful burst damage in lane. It can allow a person to have a chance to get away but not guaranteed while also serving as a good tool to help in the event the team feels overwhelmed by the opposition. At the same time it provides a boost to damage to work in the event you are doing some close range maneuvers with a powerful foe. It could put the player in a situation where they need to decide if they should run away with the regained stamina or use it to force a close win.
I like the idea of this, but for the price, could see it allowing heroes with higher starting stamina or buying an early extra stamina would allow for them to more easily dive enemies under the initial tier 1 tower. Would this affect the Dash-Jump as well, as in gaining two stacks from that?
I like the idea of this, but for the price, could see it allowing heroes with higher starting stamina or buying an early extra stamina would allow for them to more easily dive enemies under the initial tier 1 tower. Would this affect the Dash-Jump as well, as in gaining two stacks from that?
I was thinking just dash. I was suggesting a lower price since burst damage taking off half your total health tends to be an early game problem. It would definitely still play a part against Paradox our Gray Talon at higher levels though so perhaps it being t2 is a better compromise.