Face-76 (drone)


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In the harsh world of steampunk, where steam and mechanics are forever intertwined, the Lik-76 drone appeared. It was created and inspired by the personality of the mysterious inventor and researcher of steam phenomena – Liki. Leake believed that only the perfect unity of magic and technology could pave the way for a new development of the world. That's why he created the Lik-76, a unique combination of steam power and advanced technical solutions.


Lik independently assembled Lik-76 from the best steam equipment and parts he found in abandoned engineers ' workshops. The power and intelligence of the Face fit into this drone, breathing life and unique abilities that can change the course of events in the world of steampunk.

Mission statement:

Lik-76 was sent on a mission to protect the technological secrets of the steampunk world. Its mission is to ensure the safety of its creators and bring peace to a world shrouded in danger and intrigue. Face's mastery of steam magic is reflected in the drone's unique abilities.

Visual design1718645433383.png

Normal shooting:

During normal firing, the drone fires 5 small steam bullets from its right eye. These small bullets can deal moderate damage to enemies.

Charge and Vapour Density: When you right-click, the drone gains vapour density, releasing one large sphere of vapour. This large sphere is able to poison the enemy for a while when hit, weakening them for a few seconds.

Clip and charges: The drone has a 10-round clip, where each large ball of steam takes 5 rounds. This creates the need for strategic charge expenditure and ammunition management to make optimal use of the drone's base attack.


1) Active ability

Steam Tether (PP-76):" Lik-76 " applies a steam tether to the selected ally, sucking it through a trickle of steam. The drone flies behind an ally, passively healing it until it is canceled. This ability provides continuous healing during combat, maintaining the survivability of an ally. using the left mouse button

Magic Shield (MC-76): Alternatively, Face-76 can cast a magic shield on a selected ally for 15 seconds. The shield protects an ally from harmful effects and increases their stamina in battle. using the right mouse button

2) Active ability

Steam Curtain (PZ-76) : When using this ability, Face-76 begins to emit intense steam, creating a huge cloud of steam around itself. When approaching an enemy, the drone slows down significantly and increases its vulnerability to damage for 5 seconds. For players playing as a drone and its allied team, steam is perceived as less dense, providing minimal loss of visibility when using this ability for 5 seconds.

3) Active ability Steam shadow(QZ-76),
having chosen an ally, puts a shadow of steam on him, making him invisible for 10 seconds and increasing his movement speed, completely hiding him from the minimap, creates a steam copy for 25 seconds during his absence, which fights for him and can use his skills, such as mega creep

4)ULT Active abilitySteam Hurricane (U-P76): When using the ultimate ability, Lik-76 creates a huge hurricane of steam and directs it in the direction it is looking. All enemies caught in the hurricane's area of action rise into the air and then fall, getting stunned and unable to use their active abilities for 4 seconds.


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