Express Ticket (Zipline Bonus)


Krita Files.png

Express Ticket (3600 souls)


Cooldown: 300 seconds
Duration: 30 seconds
On activation, the current lane's zipline grants your team the full zipline distance.

Ziplines grant you a 15% speed bonus as long as your zipline boost is ready and remains unused.

The purpose is to better allow you to reach portions of the map otherwise pushed back by Troopers, and give you a slight edge in reaching objectives. This could be useful in terms of saving an overextended teammate or split pushing "that one" Walker at 10% health, without alarming the enemy of your location in advance. The reason why the passive speed bonus is tied to the availability of your zipline boost is to make the decision of using your boost somewhat interesting.
Love the passive. I have seen and thought about a zip item quite a bit, and in the discussion, it seems like an item pretty difficult to balance. I love the idea of incentivizing players to not use their boost, in order to gain this passive advantage.

The activated ability seems like something for a support hero, as this item lacks any additional attributes, however the game currently doesn't have a hard-support role per-say, that players abide by.

I have not watched the full pro tournament to see if they were allocating jungle and lane farm priority to "carry"

I think this item has some potential.
It's largely arbitrary.
I think adding even a few hundred souls past 3,000 discourages purchasing it over other items in its price bracket. But I could be a goober and playing it too safe.
No item works like this. Only items that build out of a cheaper one are more expensive than typical items in their tier.