Escape key stops working in item menu when you swap to a different item type tab


main menu > resources > browse items

If you swap to the vitality or spirit tab, the escape key will no longer work in either the items page or the resources page, until you return to the main menu by clicking the escape button in the the bottom left.

If you go to the items page but do not change the tab, the escape key still works.

If you swap item tabs, return to the menu, and then back to the items page, the tab you left on will be open, and now swapping to either of the two remaining will trigger the bug.

example: You open the items page, then select the vitality tab. You return to the main menu manually to fix the bug. If you go back to the item page, the vitality tab will be open and swapping to either the weapon or spirit tab will trigger the bug.
i can confirm this bug still exists and these steps work to reproduce it. additional detail, if you hover your mouse over the "go back" button the escape key still doesn't work, but after moving your mouse off said button, the escape key on the keyboard starts working again. (i suspect the UI is programmed similar to a webpage and there's something strange going on with the focus being hijacked unpredictably and keyboard events not propagating to event handlers properly, as if tabbed out of the game)