Escalating Resilience and improve bullet armor interaction.


Escalating and improved bullet armor are capping at 67-72%. depending on hero.

the way they read i should have 85%

If the % is based off your total bullet armor this doesn't add up.
If its a raw 40 from Escalating, it is capping. and only getting to 72%.
If there is a hard cap on armors need tool tip saying so.

I don't know if this is a bug or i'm hitting a dev invisible wall.


As a frequent purchaser of frenzy and ER, the way they stack combined with natural resistances and other items is definitely not additive, it's some form of multiplication.

Mcginnis has 25% natural spirit resist and 0% bullet resist.

These items at below 40% hp should provide 45% + 45% + 12% + 6% + 15% + 12% + 16% spirit resist totalling 176% spirit resist which for obvious reasons is absurd but game makes it 88% and 79% at full hp which means frenzy is heavily into diminishing returns replacing crippling shot with escalating exposure gives 90% resist at low hp and 82% at full.

ER gives only 11% in this scenario going back to 73% with no stacks.

However with just natural resistance and frenzy and ER she gets 59% resistance while ER gives full 40% resist, with adv bullet armor it's only 67%.

The way it seems to work is 1.0 - 45% = 0,55 - 40% = 0,33 which checks out with 67% resistance, that means every item after that is heavily into diminishing returns and you can't easily cap out defence.

Now I'm too lazy to do test how it all works with Hunter's Aura, Crippling Shot, Bullet Resist Shredder and Mystic Vulnerability. 🛌
My curious brain very much wants to test this when I'm more awake, now. So, thank you for this. o.o

Yeah i wrote this post, and then did more testing and math. I don't think it is broken just unclear in the description. Which is on me, for not doing math and thinking about it.