Errors and suggestions


New member
Hello, it’s great to see the Latin American Spanish localization almost ready. I’m making this post, which will be somewhat long, to point out the errors I found. This is so that when Deadlock is ready, it doesn’t contain these errors:

  • In the string "Citadel_Dashboard_Status_ConnectingToServer"
    Currently: "Conectando con el servidor del juego"
    Should be: "Conectándose al servidor de la partida"
  • In the string "Citadel_FriendsCategory_Online"
    Currently: "Conectado"
    Should be: "En línea"
  • In the string "Citadel_FriendsCategory_Offline"
    Currently: "Desconectado"
    Should be: "Sin conexión"

    This is because, since May 2024, in Steam chat, the strings "Conectado" and "Desconectado" were changed to "En línea" and "Sin conexión" to be more gender-neutral.

  • Special symbols like "%", "s", "m/s" and "m" should have a space at the beginning.
    Examples of strings:
  • "Citadel_Hud_PlayerSpeedUnits" "m/s"
  • "Citadel_MatchDetails_ViewAsPct" "%"
    An example in an unofficial Latam localization:

    In my opinion, “Troopers” should be “Tropas” instead of “Soldados”
  • In the string "AbilityButtonHint_ZipLineBoost"
    Currently: "<span class="AbilityName">Aumento de velocidad en la vía rápida</span> <span class="Countdown">{s:ability_cooldown}</span>"
    Should be: "Aumentar velocidad en la vía rápida"

  • In strings like "citadel_settings_ssao" and "citadel_settings_dfao"
    Currently: "Oclusión de ambiente en el espacio de la pantalla" and "Oclusión de ambiente en el campo de distancia".

    These options don’t fit on the screen. This can be fixed by abbreviating "Oclusión de ambiente" to "OA" and adjusting the other words within the parentheses.

  • Strings with the word "Ultra"
  • Should be changed to "Muy alta"

  • In the string "citadel_settings_upscaling"
    Currently: "Tecnología de mejora"
    Should be: "Tecnología de escalado" because it’s about scaling the image

  • In "citadel_settings_fsr2scaling_ultra_performance", it should be "Rendimiento superior" or "Mayor rendimiento" instead of "Ultra". However, when testing, I realized that by putting "Mayor rendimiento" the "Suavizado nativo" option doesn’t fit. It could be changed to "Mayor" or “Suavizado nativo” to "Nativo" although it still doesn't fit. Another solution would be to change "citadel_settings_fsr2scaling" to "Modo de escala" by "Modo" which would allow the other strings to fit. This last option seems like the best solution.

  • In the string "citadel_settings_enable_console_tooltip"
    Currently: "Las opciones de lanzamiento como…"
    Should be: "Las configuraciones de lanzamiento como…" this is because in Steam, “configuraciones de lanzamiento” is already used instead of “opciones de lanzamiento"

  • In the controls, the word "Ping" in English is confused with the network term, but it actually refers to "indicar"
    These are the strings I found with "ping" instead of "indicaciones":

  • In the string "citadel_keybind_ads"
    Currently: "Zoom"
    Should be: "Acercamiento"

  • In the string "citadel_keybind_attack"
    Currently: "Fuego"
    Should be: "Disparo" and not "Fuego"

  • The word "Replay" or "Repetición" in Spanish in my opinion, it should be "Grabación," like in TF2.

  • In the string "HeroTraining_Intro_Title"
    Currently: "Bienvenido al <b>Entrenamiento del héroe</b>"
    Should be: "Te damos la bienvenida al <b>Entrenamiento del héroe</b>" to make it gender neutral

  • The word "Build" or "Referencia" in Spanish in my opinion, it would be better as “Plantilla”
  • In the string "Citadel_HeroBuilds_LateGame"
    Currently: "Fase tardía"
    It could be "Fase avanzada" or "Fase final"

  • In the string "Citadel_Region_NA"
  • Currently: "ND"
  • It should be "NA" instead of "ND" because it’s the abbreviation for "Norteamérica".
Finally, although this is just a personal suggestion:
The word “Push” or “¡Presionen!” in Spanish could be “¡Ataquen!”
Example: in English: "Let's Push Yellow"
Latam: "Presionemos en la amarilla"
and my suggestion would be: "Ataquemos al amarillo"

In the string "citadel_chatwheel_label_BRB"
Currently: "Ahora vuelvo"
I feel it sounds more natural to say "Ahorita regreso." However, as I said, it’s just a suggestion, and the change isn’t necessary.

And I think that’s all for now :)
Eh, I think Push as Presionar is good. But instead of Presionemos en la amarilla I guess it's better Presionemos en el Amarillo.
It's the localization made by volunteers?
I would also add to remove the 'Mil' and keep the 'K'. since even though it's in English, in LATAM it's understood to mean a thousand due to games... or resize the number of souls as it's not very clear

Surprised, since there's still plenty of non translated texts.
Well, the translators have other tasks to handle, like translating the text for Steam, CS2, Dota 2, etc., so it's likely they don't have time to continue translating Deadlock

However, it would be great if they put Deadlock on Valve Crowdin because I've seen people from other languages who want to help voluntarily, including myself (though I doubt this will happen, more because of Valve decision than the translators)
Hello again, I'm back with an update on more things I've found:

Rich Presence (Deadlock):
  • In the string "steam_citadel_rp_online"
    Currently: "Conectado"
    It should be: "En línea" (though I'm not sure if this is outdated).
  • In the string "citadel_settings_hotkeys"
    Currently: "Teclas rápidas"
    It should be: "Asignación de teclas" or simply "Teclado" because "Teclas rápidas" doesn't seem appropriate.

  • The word "Hits" is translated as "Golpes" but I feel it would be better to use "Impactos" (because it refers to weapons that hit the enemy, not melee attacks).
  • The word "Vida" I think should be changed to "Salud" as it fits better.
  • In the string "Citadel_Hud_HealthWarning"
    Currently: "Advertencia de vida"
    It should be: "Vida baja" or, if opting for Salud "Salud baja"

  • In the string "citadel_ability_dash"
    Currently: "Mover rápido"
    It should be: "Impulso"

  • In the string "Citadel_Playtest_MatchmakingOpen"
    Currently: "El emparejamiento está abierto hasta las {t:t..."
    It should be: "El emparejamiento está abierto hasta la(s) {t:t..."
  • In the string "Citadel_Friends_Playing"
    Currently: "<span class=\"OnlineNumber\">{d:friends_in_game}</span> en la partida"
    It should be: "<span class=\"OnlineNumber\">{d:friends_in_game}</span> jugando" because they don't necessarily have to be in a match, it can also refer to having the game open.

  • In the string "Citadel_Party_InviteFriendToGameTooltip"
    Currently: "Invita a este amigo a la partida"
    It should be: "Invitar a este amigo" because I'm not sure if this string is also used for inviting to a match
    Update: That's not the case; it seems to use a different string, but anyway.
    In the string "Citadel_Party_InviteFriendTooltip"
    Currently: "Invitar a un amigo a jugar"
    It should be: "Invitar a este amigo al grupo" or "Invitar al grupo"
Ability Descriptions Format:
In my opinion, and I believe most would agree, the ability descriptions should follow the “En inglés:” format, like in Dota 2:
En inglés: <b><font color='#F2A93E'>Ability</font></b>.

This is useful so that when searching for an item in the shop using the English word, it appears, something some players want without having to change the game to English. I think this change is necessary.
1724791223500.pngAnd I think that's all for now.
I'm back with a mini update.In the citadel_gc_english file is where the Rich Presence is located. I noticed that in the string:
"Steam_Citadel_InGame" "{%param0%} {%param1%}"
It's incorrect. It should be "{%param1%} - {%param0%}" or "{%param1%}: {%param0%}".
This is because, in Deadlock and in the Steam chat, it’s reported as "Deadlock Partida"

Since the variable {%param0%} corresponds to these strings:
  • "Steam_Citadel_RP_MM_Unranked" "Deadlock"
  • "Steam_Citadel_RP_MM_Ranked" "Deadlock"
  • "Steam_Citadel_RP_MM_PrivateLobby" "Partida privada"
  • "Steam_Citadel_RP_MM_SoloBot" "Bot"
  • "Steam_Citadel_RP_MM_Tutorial" "Tutorial"
And {%param1%} to these:
  • "Steam_Citadel_RP_GM_Normal" "Partida"
  • "Steam_Citadel_RP_GM_Sandbox" "Prueba de héroe"
If the variable in the string isn't adjusted, it will create unnatural phrases like "Partida privada Partida"

Additionally, in the string "Steam_Citadel_RP_MM_PrivateLobby" "Partida privada" It should be "Privada" because "Partida" is already included.

And that’s all for now.
btw, don’t use the string that ends with "_prefix" to add "de"
This causes most of the items in the shop or abilities to not work correctly
(+ de 7 Daño de arma)?

Additionally, for strings that end with "_postfix", also add a non-breaking space to separate the symbols.
For example:
"BonusHealthPercent_postfix" "%" should be " %" to comply with RAE guidelines.
Additionally, many strings that end with "_label" need to be abbreviated because they don’t fit.