Error to Remote Host during preparation time


New member

I started a match as Pocket and everything was loading in and at 3 seconds left on the preparation time I got kicked with "Connection Error to Remote Host".

I clicked on the button to rejoin and was met on the rooftop where you spawn in to wait on others. I jumped off this roof top and was met with a small room and a closed door to the right outside of the map.

I recorded it on my phone and uploaded it on youtube. Deadlock Bug Match ID: 12471804
While pressing escape and trying to use the Dev Commands to unstuck my hero. This is also failed and that button does nothing while being clicked and neither does the button to suicide.

It is up now, had to wait for the match to end. Abandon with a penalty. I said to my team that I was sorry and couldn't play because of a bug. Also said in all chat that I was bugged after getting kicked while waiting to start the game.

First bug or error I encounter, otherwise I love this game.