Entering Sandbox mode just as a game is found = Abandon


New member
So this is the 2nd time this has happened now:

I like to play around in the Hero Sandbox while I queue up for games. However if you happen to click "Hero Sandbox" just as a game is found(this can happen in a split second), you will enter the sandbox BUT it resuslts in you having abandoned the game!! And you cannot rejoin.
I NEVER abandom matches, and now I have 2 abandons. This time resulting in a 30 minute ban!

How it should work: An example from Rocket League. If I enter training the second a match is found, it enters me into training for 1 second, after which it loads into the match.

Until this is fixed I recommend NOT trying to enter Sandbox during "fidning match".
Bumping this thread, I experienced the same issue.

I accidentally clicked the "Hero Sandbox" button while looking at a Hero in the "Heroes" menu right as a match was loading. This immediately put me in the hero sandbox. I left the hero sandbox immediately, but didn't see an option to rejoin the match and couldn't start a new search (temp ban as a result of abandon).

I would expect the "Hero Sandbox" button to be disabled after a match is found. Hope this report is noticed, it's a pretty serious bug.
This just happened to me, too. Just bumping to note that this bug is still present in the latest patch. Looks like this has happened to a handful of other folks in other threads.