Enhanced parry


New member
An item with an active ability. Holding the active button with this item allows to charge parry for some time (5 sec f.e). During this time any melee hit will be parried. After charge time finishes or the button released a character makes an explosion with aoe damage. The amount of damage depends on charge time
Isnt there like built in parry at F key?
It is, but the idea is to get an enhanced parry along with the built in.
Not sure if it is better to just change the built in parry after buying this item. I think they should remain separate. I think CD of the item should be much longer than a built in parry CD. And if I want to use just a built in parry then the item should not be triggered.
Also the CD of built in parry must start on item use. And item must receive a short CD after built in parry is used.
Yeah, it makes a lot of sense. Melee needs to be a bit more interesting than pressing Q, and that is coming from a serial abuser (Abrams player). I'd definitely invest in an upgrade if it allowed me to parry twice.
Yeah, it makes a lot of sense. Melee needs to be a bit more interesting than pressing Q, and that is coming from a serial abuser (Abrams player). I'd definitely invest in an upgrade if it allowed me to parry twice.
Not really. I bet this item and a built in parry should be cooldowned together. A built in parry has a 6 sec CD. And this item I would say something around 30 sec.
Let's imagine:
1. You press built in parry -> parry and the item both go on 6 sec cooldown -> after CD you can press either parry or the item
2. You press the item -> parry goes on 6 sec cooldown, items goes on 30 sec cooldown -> after 6 sec you can press built in parry -> item may be pressed only after it's own CD

I don't think a melee is op and it needs to be countered with double parry or smth. But I want to add some more to existing mechanics such as parry. Of course this item will ease gameplay vs melee characters but it will also expose you for bullets as you will just stay and charge an ability for some time.
Actually you can punish melees hard if you catch them in parry but I believe it has a huge skill diff, because as melee you should just press Q button but for defence you have to get a perfect timing and if you did not you will have a 6 sec cd for parry along with a huge damage from melee.
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I like this idea as a mid tier weapon item, Maybe there could be a lower tier item that reduces your parry cool down and improves your melee in some way beyond damage.
It could even be incorporated as a side grade to the charge melee reload item.
Rather than an item, a perfect parry mechanic would be nice. The very first frame/moment you press it, should be the reward for perfect, anything after, aka showing the blue aura, is regular parry. Cancels recovery animation to allow you to blast the opponent/ability/jump/roll/parry again, faster than the regular parry animation. though could be hard to add.
Honestly I think if charged melee attack will consume a stamina bar it may be some sort of balance. As melee characters can now just sit on your shoulder using charged hits and dashes, but restircting this behaviour by consuming stamina will give you more posibilities to escape.
Also it makes sence as charged attack may be used for movement. I usually use it to stay in mid-air for longer time without loosing my stamina