Endless trolling bebop ( Can be fixed ) - Deserves a perma ban.


This Bebop in our game afk'd for the first 15 minutes of our game in base. Only spamming emotes and call outs with the chat wheel. We all ignored him and kept trying to play. He eventually got enough money to buy a Rescue Beam, and then came out of lane and began pulling me around, using rescue beam anytime he could. And then knocking me in the air with his punch. He never once shot at an enemy. All he did was harass his own teammates and abuse skills that kept us from playing the game.

This can be fixed easily. With the option to disable interactions from a player. So he can no longer pull you or use rescue beam. Otherwise this will happen again.

I expect this to be a permanent ban. If not I will lose faith in this game as a whole. Somehow we still won, but I could not play almost the last half of the game because he made it his job to follow and harass me with every ability he could.


MATCH ID: 29584663
Yep game put me with Troll Bebop 2 times in a row, and he was just pulling and pushing me then got Rescue Beam and went trolling others, eventually in second game we was winning and in end game he start just to helping with Rescue Beam team ( still not attacking or fighting) just instead trolling went to help, anyway i report it for Griefing (as no option for intentionally feeding or trolling) and add in details that he was trolling, i don't remember exactly his nickname but first part was l00nly so is not the same person.
Luckily the worst I have got was a guy that AFKs in base the whole game because they couldnt swap out of solo lane. Got them a couple times in a row, and 3rd game they took the stick out of their ass and started helping us 3/4 into the game because it was 45m in and we were winning slowly. It was mildly wholesome, reported them for the first two games though.