Dullahank: The Man Trapped Inside a Crystal Skull Trapped Inside a Suit of Armor


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Dullahank: The Man Trapped Inside a Crystal Skull Trapped Inside a Suit of Armor

Hank was your every day paranormal investigator, just interested in finding the occult relics of lore he learned about in legend as a child. Luckily, or maybe unluckily, one day, he stumbled upon a suspicious merchant in a back alley, selling THE crystal skull. The merchant warned him that all sales were binding, and Hank, being Hank, didn't read between the lines and immediately bought the crystal skull off of the dubious merchant without a second thought. Upon purchase, his soul was sucked inside of the Crystal Skull, granting him immortality, but also imprisoning him there. Hank stayed stuck inside the Crystal Skull, unable to move around without a corporeal form, where he was brought to a Museum and put on display next to a suit of armor by a collector that found him. Hank, channeling the energy from inside the skull, learned to manipulate the metal nearby and pulled the suit of armor to him, gaining control over the armor. Grabbing the other nearby medeival items and escaping the museum, Hank sets out to continue his search for the mythical relics, even if his new form gets him some weird looks.

Dullahank fights with a slow firing, high damage crossbow and huge greatsword, medeival items he stole from the museum when he escaped.

1) Skull Scouting:
The Crystal Skull floats outside of the suit of armor and can move around independently of it. The armor becomes completely invincible and Dullahanks hurtbox is switched to the skull, which is free to float around at high speeds. Dullahank can then either snap back to the suit of armor, or pull the armor to his position, allowing for scouting, mobility, and escapes. The armor deals damage as it's pulled to him

2) Metalurgy:
Dullahank pulls in nearby metal to make his greatsword even bigger, and slowing enemies hit by the metal shards around him. For the next 5 seconds, Dullahank's melee attacks swing the large sword which gets bigger the more spirit Hank has built.

3) Iron Balista:
Dullahank charges up the longer you hold the button, pulling in metal to form a huge balista around his crossbow. Upon release, fires the crossbow as a high damage sniper shot. Stuns targets when charged for longer than 2-3 seconds.

4) ULT: Hank's Final Form:
Hank pulls in a huge amount of metal and becomes a lumbering giant metal knight. During this form, he has a large bullet and spirit shield, that when removed, knocks him back into his regular form. While the ult remains active, Dullahank ignores CC and his melee attacks are always empowered by Metalurgy, hitting in a sweeping AOE and causing a slow. Dullahank can recast it to end the form early, shooting out a large amount of metal shrapnel and damaging anyone nearby. He can also perform skull scouting, and when reactivating to pull the armor to him, drags anyone in between the skull and the armor to his position, allowing for cheeky team fight plays, or ganking with skull scouting.
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Cool concept! Skull Scouting reminds me of Leoric from Heroes of the Storm. I do think it might be a bit overturned as written - the body should probably take some percentage of damage (e.g. 50%) otherwise it's virtually a free escape if the skull can float behind cover given that it's already a small hitbox.