Downward Air Dash Interaction Intended?/Superior Stamina description


New member
While spamming normal forwards air dash, the message "Can't Air Dash Twice" will appear to inform the player they cannot do the move twice without landing. However, in the patch notes for the new downward air dash, it is indeed called downward 'air-dash'. Despite also being a form of air-dash, it is possible to perform both a downward air dash and a horizontal air dash without landing in between, which kind of goes against the "Can't Air Dash Twice" message.
I am unsure if this is intended, and if so, I think the message saying you cannot air dodge twice is now a bit misleading, as there are now multiple forms of 'air-dash' that seem to not have the same rules applied to them.

Edit: Since there is a separate message for not being able to chain "down dashes" with each other, this is almost certainly not a bug, nevermind. Other than knowing they're called "down dashes" from that one message though, I think it is still easy to get the impression that a "down dash" is another denomination of "air dash", as Superior Stamina still grants the ability to perform 2 "down dashes" without being explicitly listed on the item description, which only mentions "air dashes" and "air jumps".
Either way, there is a mis-overlap with what is considered an 'air-dash' by both item descriptions and the "Can't Air Dash Twice" message.
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