Double Souls Pre 10 minutes


New member
In lane currently shooting to confirm souls are giving twice the amount of regular souls. It doesnt proc after 10 minutes, when melee confirming or on denies. In its current state shooting souls is giving x souls on kill and 2x souls on orb confirm. Appears to be at random for people and is a gamebreaking issue.
Also with this issue, it seems denies are giving 0 souls at the same time! Just had a game where I believe for the entire laning phase denies gave nothing and simply showed a '!' symbol.
Also with this issue, it seems denies are giving 0 souls at the same time! Just had a game where I believe for the entire laning phase denies gave nothing and simply showed a '!' symbol.
It plays the sound, but gives no souls. Also, I've noticed denies are now split evenly between laners. Last patch it was giving both players full souls.
yeah half the time denies aren't registering either the combination of these two things makes having a good gun/ping incredibly favorable. can get over 11k souls in first 9 minutes just by last hitting.