Dosh or Dark Matter (inspired by Abathur from HotS)


New member
"Dark Matter is everywhere around you, but you can't see it - you can only feel it when your brain starts oozing out of your ears."

I picture the hero as an ominous blob of energy (maybe in a Vorlon-style suit?). Maybe we can call it Dosh (Kosh anyone...?) instead of Dark Matter. It can attach to friendly units (including heroes) anywhere on the map OR its influence radius is limited at which point it will need an extra skill to have a huge energy explosion come off once when approached (like a landmine for defense). Here are the possible skills, assuming we have a full range takeover:


1 Place a slowing trap anywhere you have visibility. (Upgraded it becomes an explosion, stunning, and/or bleed/lifedrain trap.)
2 Place a random status effect pickup that gives a random temporary upgrade to a friendly unit and a temporary downgrade to an enemy unit - in the last skill upgrade, this could become a permanent upgrade for friendly units (like 1% projectile damage increase per pickup).
3 Zen yourself to anywhere on the map where you have visibility through friendly units (helps to take pickups, go to the shop, and probably do some other things.)
4 Pressing the skill button puts you in meditative mode where you get the spectator camera and can click anywhere on the map but can only see as far as your friendly units make the map visible. Attach to a friendly minion or friendly hero, at which point the 1,2,3 skills are replaced with the following skills:

1 Shoot x projectiles that move in a spiral (or just straight in different directions).
2 Empower all nearby friendly units.
3 Heal the friendly unit (in the last upgrade, heal all friendly units within x radius).
4 Get out of attachment mode (also happens automatically when the friendly unit dies).

Happy to write out a full backstory if this hero sounds interesting to anyone. In any case, the backstory should include some attachment issues.