Designed to work similarily to Ender Pearls from Minecraft. On activation, the user throws an orb that teleports them to wherever the orb lands.

The idea is for Dislocater to be an early mobility tool that includes a larger risk then Majestic Leap or Warp Stone. It's harder to use to engage due to the orb being breakable, and it's harder to use to escape/chase due to the immobilisation.
It can be effective, since being able to escape to rooftops without spending stamina or being able to teleport behind enemies to flank them in lane is a strong upside, especially since the item is cheap.
This is why the downsides are so harsh: an item like this should be difficult to use and should not be an upgrade, or even sidegrade, to Warp Stone or Majestic Leap, since the item is cheaper then both of them.
-If thrown by an ally, the orb glows blue, but if it's thrown by an enemy the orb glows red.
-The orb can be destroyed by enemies in one shot.
-Troopers and Objectives cannot destroy the orb.
-Once the orb is thrown, the user cannot cancel the teleport.
-The immobilisation can be reduced/removed by Debuff Reducer/Remover or Unstoppable.
-Like the other mobility items, the base stats aren't very good.
-The HP drain cannot kill the user, leaving them at 1HP if they're below 12% of their max HP.
*Like other throwables, the throw distance depends on the angle in which the active is thrown. The throw distance is not limited to 18ms: aiming at a high arc would throw the orb much further, but that's the average distance the orb should be able to travel. It shouldn't go nearly as far as Ender Pearls can in Minecraft.

The idea is for Dislocater to be an early mobility tool that includes a larger risk then Majestic Leap or Warp Stone. It's harder to use to engage due to the orb being breakable, and it's harder to use to escape/chase due to the immobilisation.
It can be effective, since being able to escape to rooftops without spending stamina or being able to teleport behind enemies to flank them in lane is a strong upside, especially since the item is cheap.
This is why the downsides are so harsh: an item like this should be difficult to use and should not be an upgrade, or even sidegrade, to Warp Stone or Majestic Leap, since the item is cheaper then both of them.
-If thrown by an ally, the orb glows blue, but if it's thrown by an enemy the orb glows red.
-The orb can be destroyed by enemies in one shot.
-Troopers and Objectives cannot destroy the orb.
-Once the orb is thrown, the user cannot cancel the teleport.
-The immobilisation can be reduced/removed by Debuff Reducer/Remover or Unstoppable.
-Like the other mobility items, the base stats aren't very good.
-The HP drain cannot kill the user, leaving them at 1HP if they're below 12% of their max HP.
*Like other throwables, the throw distance depends on the angle in which the active is thrown. The throw distance is not limited to 18ms: aiming at a high arc would throw the orb much further, but that's the average distance the orb should be able to travel. It shouldn't go nearly as far as Ender Pearls can in Minecraft.