Disconnecting from the internet while playing


New member
I know there are other posts to this affect but I cant play this game anymore because I get disconnected and can't join back or if I can join back its super laggy and I get other bugs.

it happens every game I start playing everything is fine, and then I get disconnected and my entire internet connection is dead. All of the other threads end with no response or people saying its bad NIC drivers well I can tell you that is not the case here. I have tried

-Updating my network drivers
-rolling back to old drivers
-verifying the game files
-reinstalling the game manually
-gone through DNS logs and bypassing my DNS server and FW
-I have even tried putting in a different NIC into a expansion slot on my PC

same behavior doesn't matter if I have multiple things open or nothing open. Literally only happens with deadlock. Some of the other threads I have seen say this is a issue that has happened with other Valve games but hopefully it gets fixed soon because until it is I wont be playing