Hero concept: Disco-Man

(I love the design in this style. Only it has to be human
Game role (style):
Ability 2 [Cooldown 30s] "Disco Ball":

(I love the design in this style. Only it has to be human

A charismatic dancer from the 80's who finds time to dance even in the most brutal fights. Loves to create a spectacular show and hates boredom.
Game role (style):
I think the hero is suitable for creating chaos during fights, diverting enemies' attention to himself, and initiating with his ultimate (or escaping in case).
The weapon has 20 rounds of ammunition. One shot fires two rounds at once: one shot right where your scope is, the other a little lower. Bullet Damage: 11 (22 per shot); Shots per sec: 4 (0.25s)
Ability 1 [Has a charge 1, Cooldown 35s; Cooldown between charges 4s] "Closed Party/Smoke Bomb":You throw a smoke grenade into the selected area, which when it lands creates a cloud of smoke from which you can hear muffled music and see colored lasers coming out of it. An area of smoke is created that everyone can enter, but those who are not in this smoke cannot hear or see you. Inside you hear the music louder and cannot see those outside of this smoke. Restores health inside the smoke. Restoration increases for each ally inside.

- Duration: 6s.
- Radius: 7m.
- Health Regen: +15 per sec (Increased by +15% for each ally inside)
- Upgrade 1: Slows the movement speed of enemies inside the smoke by 25%
- Upgrade 2: Now deals damage with the same mechanics as health regeneration (Damage increased by +15% for each enemy inside)
- Upgrade 3: Enemies in the smoke get silence.
Ability 2 [Cooldown 30s] "Disco Ball":
You choose the spot at the top where you want to place the disco ball. The ball is always statically positioned at a medium height above the floor. (i.e. it cannot be “in the floor”). After the application to the selected point quickly flies the ball and when it reaches this point only then it starts firing beams at 3 targets every 0.75s in the area of 15m. The disco ball has health, deals damage and also each shot imposes a “blinding” effect on the victims. (misses)
- Base Health: 100
- Radius: 15m.
- Duration: 4.5s
- Damage: 25; Shooting: every 0.75s; Targets: 3.
- Blinding effect per shoot: +5% (Duration 4 sec; 8.5 seconds total)
- Upgrade 1: Targets +3 (6 total)
- Upgrade 2: Each shot reduces victims resistance to bullets by 4%
- Upgrade 3: Now also every disco ball shot fires your bullets.
When you spend stamina or bounce off a wall, you briefly perform a dance move, then deflect bullets into the enemy and also deal additional spiritual damage (If you perform a “Dash+Jump combo” the duration will increase by 2x. If you bounce off the wall, the duration will be reduced by 2x). During this effect all your clothes glow with colors and you become the center of attention for your enemies!
- Effect duration: 1.25s. (Dash+Jump: 2.5s; Bounce off the wall: 0.625s)
- Bullet Damage Returned: 40%
- Additional Spirit Damage Per Returned Bullet: 8
- Upgrade 1: During the effect you get +30% bullet resist.
- Upgrade 2: During the effect you get +2 m/s. Passive: +14% Stamina Recovery.
- Upgrade 3: Passive: Now also has a 15% chance of triggering when you get shot.
After applying the ability, you take 1.4s to prepare to dance. Day becomes night and a disco floor appears around you. In a large radius, all begin to dance and cannot use spells, items or shoot. Also, everyone in the ability's radius is immune to damage during this effect, but you and your allies gain regeneration from your max health. Everyone can move, but have limited move speed. (4 m/s max)

- Duration: 7s.
- Radius: 50m.
- Max Health Regen Per Sec: 4% (28% total)
- Upgrade 1: Purge all negative effects from you and your allies.
- Upgrade 2: Removes the default move speed limit (4 m/s max)
- Upgrade 3: For every 10 meters traveled, the ultimate cooldown is reduced by 1 second.