Differentiate item value in icon (shading)


New member
In late game having trouble telling what item is cheaper to know what to sell off. Could you have the shading for the icon get a bit darker or light depending on the soul value of the item?

they have a I II III IV to represent which tier the item is from (close quarters i tier I, leech is tier IV)

this is, for now, their way of making it easier to read.

I like that it doesnt have different shading for now, could be personal and I am glad to be proven wrong for better readability. I do think when you need to read so much info for up to 12 items for 11 other players to see what has what and what you need to play around the roman numeric and a glance at the icon works for me. though i do have some issues with some icons but that's temporary art so its ok (improved cooldown looks like improved spirit type effect by being swirly things dont think it matches cd idea, and withering whip and mystic slow have the exact same icon)

long story short art is not final, i personaly like the roman numerical tier system.