

New member
  • Provide: +1 ammo.
  • Passive: While reloading or meleeing, you can still fire an off-hand pistol by pressing [primary_click] where it would otherwise go clicky-click, but it will only hit souls. Firing Derringer does not interrupt reload or melee. Derringer automatically reloads in the background (hands-free). Last hitting or denying a soul outright fills 1 round.
  • Technicals
    • Damage: 1
    • RoF: 500
    • Ammo: 2
    • Passive reload: 1 round per 13s
Improved Derringer
  • Increase weapon ammo provided by 1.
  • Increase Derringer magazine size by 2.
  • Increase Derringer ammo fill for hitting souls by 1.

Superior Derringer
  • Increase weapon ammo provided by 2.
  • Allows Derringer to hit enemy units.
  • Increase Derringer base damage to 50.
  • Technicals
    • Dmg fall-off start/end: 4m/8m
    • Least dmg fall-off: 40%
    • Most dmg fall-off: 80%
I feel like this item clashes a bit with what Ammo Scavenger tries to be. An item that better allows securing and denying souls.

I know this doesn't provide the same functionality, but I don't think it's a good idea to bloat the shop pool with a bunch of last hit and soul secure items.

I personally think the developers should look into reworking the soul hitting mechanic. I feel every hero with a high ammo and fast firing weapon has a great advantage in lane. Perhaps something like scaling the souls secured based on the damage of your weapon. That would mean heavy hitters with low ammo and firing rate would gain more from hitting souls compared to heroes like Haze. But that's just me talking.
I feel like this item clashes a bit with what Ammo Scavenger tries to be.
View attachment 9734

In that it's for securing souls, yes; but the gist came out of some of the characters having slow firing weapon or that it has a low mag size hence aren't as liberal as others when it comes to getting the souls. The whole selling point about this item is being able to use it while reloading/meleeing hands-free.