Delays in Leveling skills and Unable to bind specific keys


New member
Since the major patch that changed the ALT and TAB keys around, as well as giving us the freedom of binding level up keys I have been running into two major issues:

  • Delayed Leveling
Prior to this patch I could simply ALT [x] to quickly level up any skill in the game without any major delays in key presses, now there has to be some hang time between pressing alt and the next key - an example would be to take any character and put a skill on cooldown and attempt to quickly press alt [x], this results in the skill not being leveled up as the game thinks you are trying to use the skill even though ALT is being pressed down. This means that I am now having to hold down ALT for a period of time being I can Level the skill which really sucks cause you might unlock the likes of your 4th ability which could turn the tide of a fight, but instead you are left kinda flopping like a fish

Note: ALT and [x] are Placeholders where ALT is the key that needs to be pressed before the skill key with [x] being the skill key, I have attempted with other combs. It does seem like Individual keys are functioning fine for leveling up however, I doubt anyone has the real-estate on their keyboard for pressing all these buttons, unless one has moved their movements to the likes of TFGH (or similar) however this has become rather difficult to use

Potential Fix: remove the leveling delay or have a different check in place

  • Unable to bind specific keys
In order to make the game feel a bit more comfortable, though this is still a WIP, I have the following skill binds: Q=1, E=2, LShift=3, F=4
Prior to the update pressing ALT and then any of the keys would level the skill, which is fine, however post update binding ALT and LShift has become impossible, like as in its literally impossible to do as every instance it will just attempt to bind LShift, forgetting that ALT is being held down as well

Potential fix: have a toggle option in the keybinds settings to have "Legacy" Leveling, resulting in Alt+[bind] to be the leveling key, rather than setting a leveling key