Debuff Resist Compounding Exponentially On Stacks


New member
Currently debuff resist is compounding its reduction exponentially on debuffs that have multiple stacks such as haze fixation , siphon bullets, geist malice , paradox time bomb , etc. Essentially the more stacks you gain on the respective debuff the greater the total debuff resistance someone gains , this effectively limits the amount of stacks possible. The debuff will be reset even when a the debuff is currently being applied an example would be fixation only stacking to a maximum of 10 (then resetting to 0 ) all within a continious clip/firing the weapon /applying the debuff. This bug interaction is consistent with any debuff that stacks multiple instances such as geist malice , siphone bulelts, paradox time bomb but does not apply to continous debuffs such as infernus afterburn or toxic bullets.