Deadlock theme in TF2 style

View attachment 2024-07-28 07-25-52.mp4
a little visual update and a few mix tweaks + revamping the MVM synth
also zipped/consolidated project to share!
notes I put on Discord's thread:
everything third party is consolidated but I realized that only Addictive Drums is a paid plugin, everything else is FL's native and:
-Shreddage Precision (free Kontakt 7)
-Shreddage Stratus (free Kontakt 7)
-Vital (free)
-LABS (free)

so, if prefered, you should be able to delete all consolidated tracks (less Addictive Drums 2) and unmute the original MIDI tracks after installing every third party plugin listed here

-brasses should be better and needs more variety; sax, clarinets... more bassier brasses... just like in TF2
-also choirs, I don't have a choir plugin, I'd love if anyone could help on that!
-I didn't add toll bells but since TF2 has some too, I should have done that right?

Don't extract this .zip file. To load a .zip project into FL Studio, open the whole .zip as if it were a FL Studio project. (editado)