Deadlock should make a Teemo clone just like Riot stole Teemo from Dota.


New member
Could be the Deadlock version of Techies with a demon gerbil motif and call him Beemo. Shoots slow but deadly darts out of bamboo shoot. Plants nature mines of his own feces. It could be the revenge IceFrog deserves.

This game is gonna blow up. Just a thought.
Listen. On one hand, this is a terrible idea.

On the other hand, I GODDAMN LOVE TEEMO.

Why you gotta give me a complex like this? :ROFLMAO:
This will definitely let IceFrog have his revenge, considering how expensive the copyright lawsuit is going to be following Beemo's release. We're owning Pendragon at that point. Does he even work with Riot anymore?