DeadLock, Cursed WW1 Character Concept

Bani Kitsune

New member
Hello me and my friend has been thinking of 2 Soldiers Characters from WW1 Era that i think could be interesting to have in the game 1725447463797.webp

Ice is more Defensive with Trenches and Artillery Themed abilities (German) Lich

Fire is more Offensive With Ash and Ghost Assault Themed (Russian) Dullahan

Both of the Characters Low Key Know Each other but not really and they are both intrigued on each others fighting style
German Ice Lich
(Has PTSD and is Still thinking its war, You can hear Insane Whispers from His Radio Backpack When he is using it to call in, AKA he is abit nuts with Ice Jokes to cope)

(Name: Eiscreme) Bolt Action Rifle (Heavy Hitter, Low Fire Rate)

1. Ghost Thorn Grenades
Throws a Type of Frost Grenade that when explodes creates Barbwire that dose Dot and Slow while you are in it, if you throw it close to walls that barbwire will hook on to walls making it useful blocking exits or enters for a few sec
(Dots and Slows while in it)

2. Ghost Barbwire Trenches
You place it down like McGinnis Making parallel walls that Raises from the ground. Trenches start at you place where the Trenches ends by pressing the button again. so you can make it long or short
(Slow/Cripple, Big Area, Long Cooldown, Small Dot)

3. Delayed Precision Artillery shot
You call in a single Precision Artillery shot that is delayed by (2.5sec) before it lands, If enemy is in any barbwire they will take bonus dmg by (10-20%)
(Delayed Shot that has high dmg, Long Cooldown, Combos)

4. Ghost Shelling
You call in a Artillery Shelling anywhere on the map, When you use it your map comes up and you click to call it where you point on the map or Self Cast directly on you, it shots a set amount of shot that can increase through spirit, Enemy hit by a shell is slowed by 50% for 1 sec
(Global Call, Large area, not accurate, Slow)

Russian Fire Dullahan
(Depressed Russian that cant Drink and Argues with is own Body Calls Enemies Comrade, He think the War is a party, AKA Depressed Loose Cannon, Head Jokes)

Primary: (Name: Stolichnaya) Trench Shotgun (Heavy Hitter, Short Range, Spread shot, Low Fire Rate)

(Ash: Debuff That will Pop If hit with Dullahans fire)

1. Fused Ash Head Grenade Sticky
its a Grenade that has (4 sec) Fuse, The Head will Gnaw on the Enemy until the fuse ends or you shot it to blow up early and create a Ash Cloud that will Debuff the enemy and Area with Ash.
(Passive: Ash, Hitting Ashed target with Dullahans fire abilities will cause a area of effect around the target, Can Chain React to other Ashed Targets)
(AOE, Sticky, Debuff)

2. Dragon Breath Rounds
Sticks his Head on the shotgun that Blast a Cone of Fire Dmg in front of him That pops Ash Debuffs
(AOE Fire, Short Cooldown)

3. Ash Dash
Leaves a Ash Cloud Trail that act like smoke screen and will hide Allies and Enemies From Sight but will not Effect Dullahan, Enemies touch the Ash Cloud will be debuffed with Ash
(Makes a fast Dash that leaves Ash Cloud Trail Behind)

4. Fire Death March
Summon 8 Ghost Suicide Bombers that has mini Home effect on Target in line of sight and will explodes after a small delay [Insert Insane Laughter] Suiciders deal less dmg to the same target (-50% after first hit) Suiciders will gain Ash Debuff Running Through Cloud Trail (Ash Dash)
(Homing, Small AOE, Summon,)

