Dash direction incorrect since last 8/16(?) update


New member
This has happened to me hundreds of times since I think the 8/16 update. I may be slightly wrong on when it began though.

When I hold only forward and dash, sometimes I dash as if I were also holding left, causing me to dash diagonally. I am 100% sure it's not a human input error and I am 99.9% sure it's not my hardware (this doesn't happen in any situation other than dashing, and it never happens in any other program or game).

I haven't been able to pin down what makes this more likely to happen. I feel like having recently pressed and released left makes it more likely, but this is not always the case. I also experience this a decent amount immediately after respawning (so my hands are off the keyboard, then as I respawn I press forward and dash, but I roll diagonally).

I can try recording with an input overlay upon request if that helps.
matchid 5075506 @24:40

Here is a video example of one of the many instances this happens to me. You can see I'm clearly holding only W, and when I press Shift, I roll diagonally to the left. It's always to the left, this has never happened to me towards the right.

