Czech Golem of Old Town.


New member
Hope i wont get banned or deleted, this mythic hero have a strong name in Czech Culture. Here’s my idea.

**Name**: **Golem of the Jewish Quarter** (also known as “Rabbi Loew’s Golem”)

**Class**: **Tank / Bruiser**

**Lore**: The Golem is a legendary clay guardian created by the great Rabbi Loew in the 16th century to protect Prague’s Jewish community from danger. After centuries of slumber, he was awakened by modern technology and mystical rituals to once again defend the innocent from present-day threats. The Golem has limited understanding of humans, but his inner sense of justice drives him to fight against evil.

**Appearance**: A large, muscular, and hulking creature made of clay and stone, with glowing Hebrew inscriptions on his forehead that light up depending on his remaining strength. His body is covered in cracks from which a soft magical light emanates, and he wears archaic iron chains as decoration, symbolizing his ancient origins. Every movement seems heavy yet incredibly powerful.

### **Abilities:**

1. **Passive - Word “Emet”**: The Hebrew word “Emet” (truth) shines on the Golem’s forehead, granting him strength. As the Golem loses health, his physical resistance increases. If he is about to die, the word changes to “Met” (death), triggering a self-destruct sequence that explodes and deals massive damage to surrounding enemies.

2. **Q - Tremor Slam**: The Golem strikes the ground with immense force, creating a small earthquake wave that hits nearby enemies, stunning them and reducing their movement speed. Enemies closer to the center of the impact are stunned for a longer duration.

3. **W - Clay Shield**: The Golem gathers clay from the surrounding area to form a temporary shield that absorbs damage. This shield can be activated to explode, dealing magical damage to all nearby enemies.

4. **E - Boulder Toss**: The Golem rips off a piece of his body or the ground and hurls it at an enemy. The hit target is slowed and damaged. If the boulder hits the terrain, it creates a temporary obstacle that cannot be passed, allowing control over the battlefield.

5. **R - Wrath of the Ancient Golem (Ultimate Ability)**: The Golem enters a state of rage, growing to massive proportions. For the duration, he gains increased attack speed and damage, and all his attacks now deal area-of-effect damage. He also taunts enemy units, forcing them to attack him. After the effect ends, the Golem is temporarily immobilized but gains increased defense to balance the risk.

### **Playstyle:**
The Golem of the Jewish Quarter is a massive fortress on the battlefield designed to absorb enemy attacks and disrupt their positioning. With high resilience and the ability to create obstacles, he plays a key role in dividing enemy teams and protecting his allies. His ultimate ability can cause chaos in the enemy's backline, making him ideal for creating space for his team's damage dealers.

This hero brings a unique element of Czech legend and the symbol of unyielding defense into the game, making him an iconic guardian that bridges history with modern combat.