Current rank display system is incredibly frustrating for competitive players


Can't see enemy rankings at all. Even third party tracking websites can only see data from Week 5, so obscurus on week 6 and this week etc

You start the game in a duo lane. You're an Oracle player. Someone asks you for a laneswap while on the zipline because Dynamo is better in a duo lane, so you move into a solo lane. In lane you get destroyed, going 0-5 and losing your walker before 10 minutes. You wonder, was it that one parry at the start of the game that cost you this lane? No. The reality is you were laning against an Eternus player.

There was no way to know their rank during the game, so that you could play safe (like you previously could by pressing escape)
There is no way to know their rank after the game, so that you could feel less insecure about your performance (like you previously could after after a game)
There is no way to know their rank by searching them on a third party website.
All you know is that you got destroyed and it feels terrible. Of course as a player, you're always looking to improve and get better - but there are always going to be skill differences - not giving players this option is a terrible way forward.
so fun having to wait until to load to find out i was getting stomped by another eternus player
