crazy toxicity today


New member
MATCH ID 3020090 (i'm the Pocket here btw)

i accidently locked myself out of the official discord invite in-game, my bad if this is spam here.

just had a match with a 3 or 4 stack (i was solo). they were extremely toxic, pausing on enemy deaths, harassing enemy team in all chat and using the N slur, R word, homophobia, etc.

i told the enemy team i'm sorry for their(my teams) behavior and the toxic people proceeded to group me with them and said that i've been awful and racist and to report me or whatever was implied there. i probably have a huge stack of reports on my account now from this one match, so that's pretty cool. (also yeah i taunted their behavior a little bit after the blatant slurs, couldn't help it there)

anyway, reported them, saved the replay/match ID because their behavior was terrible. anything else i can do?