could not move left or right


New member
matchid 18333197. Replay download is not functioning for me so I cannot verify the exact timestamp or show a video. It probably occurred some point around the 25 minute mark but I'm not exactly sure. I will give details best I can so that you might be able to find the spot yourself: I was the Seven. I was near green lane walker, inside the building with the rope and the two gold statues. I was rescue beamed by our viscous, and suddenly could not move left or right. Forward and backwards inputs still worked, and I was able to turn my camera, but attempting to press left or right would barely move me, as if I was stuck in a tunnel of noclip and was hugging the walls of it. My game crashed shortly after but I think it was unrelated. When I came back I still didn't have full movement control and the bug persisted for a long time as I managed to walk up yellow lane.
It eventually went away once I pressed, shockingly enough, the tab key, which is set to it's default bind of opening the scoreboard info and such.